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St. Paul's Seminary welcomes the new Bishop of Sivagangai


Rev. Dr. Andrew De Rose

Having celebrated the centenary of its inception, St. Paul's Seminary proudly enters into 102nd milestone of her journey in faith and commitment.

Pope Francis while addressing the seminarians from Italy, asked them to imagine the seminary "as the family of Nazareth where Jesus was welcomed, cared for and formed in view of the mission entrusted to him by the Father." It won't be an exaggeration to say that St. Paul's Seminary has always been a family of Nazareth, where the seminarians were accompanied by the formators so that they might be configured to Christ the good Shepherd,

All the Paulists would gladly and gratefully acknowledge that it is in this family of Nazareth that they learnt "freedom with responsibility," as demanded by The Gift of the Priestly Vocation: "He will become a responsible person, able to make the right decisions, gifted with right judgment and able to have an objective perception of persons and events. Such a perspective should bring the seminarian to a balanced sense of self respect, leaving him to be aware of his own talents and learning how to place them at the service of the people of God" (no. 94).

I do hope that with God's choicest blessings, the dedicated service of our staff members and the zeal and zest of the seminarians, this dream will became a reality. I wish you all a blessed academic year 2022-2023.

Rev. Dr. Andrew De Rose







Rev. Dr. Xavier Terrence T.

St Paul's categorical exhortation, "Bad Company spoils Good Morals" (1 Cor 15:33) is applicable to all generations through the centuries, especially in today's context. Present global situation is characterised by the ebb and flow of microbe associated health concern, failure in leadership, war-like situation - of ammunitions and of words of hatred, fundamentalism, drought and economic instability, unexpected setbacks in study and business, etc. which are making the future insecure and bleak for many. This context has pushed the people, especially the pandemic, to take shelter in virtual world which has been further weakening the morale and striving of almost all. The reason behind this global disaster is due to the bad company with power, pleasure, racial and national supremacy, money, etc.

For a period of time in the past two years, we greatly missed the real company of others in the schools and colleges, in the working places and in the playgrounds, in the celebrations and in the places of worship, etc. This depravity forced us in a way, especially the younger generation, to get into the company of the digital virtual world. Is it a good company or bad? The answer depends on whether we use them or we are used to it by now! By far, we are used to it and most of our time is spent on the screens rather than in the real world. It is becoming slowly a bad company and spoils us in many ways. It also has become a real challenge.

In the context of bad companies in the real world as well as in the virtual world, the Church needs to take a Pauline-prophetical stand in order to serve the humanity in today's situation. The primary concern is to give consolation and hope. Once again the Church has to raise the voice in the wilderness of 'bad companies', "Prepare the Way of the Lord" (Cf. Isa 40:3-4). The Church needs committed persons to level the path and lead people into good company that we may have a real life, a life in lively relationship with God, Human and Nature, with proper understanding of life on earth, with an actual noble goal in life, gaining wisdom and strength to face the challenges on the way to that goal and setting model for the future generation that they may have the desire for good and dignified life. Priestly and religious formation should aim at preparing young men and women for this noble ministry with the thrust and conviction of Pauline-prophetical stand, first they be away from bad companies and then to prepare the way.

Rev. Dr. Xavier Terrence T.